Submission to ACER’s public consultation on Scenarios Guidelines

CAN Europe has provided its feedback to the public consultation of the European Union’s Agency for the Coordination of Energy Regulators (ACER) on its Framework Guidelines on the joint scenarios for electricity and gas network development plans (“Scenarios Guidelines”).

Under the revised Regulation (EU) 2022/869 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (TEN-E Regulation), ACER has been tasked with the introduction of these Scenario Guidelines by January 2023 in order to ensure that future scenarios for energy infrastructure planning are aligned with the EU’s climate and energy targets. CAN Europe builds this on the previously published submission ‘Good practices for developing scenarios in view of the ACER Scenario Guideline’ (August 2022) and on its feedback on ACER’s concept note for scenario guidelines (September 2022).

View our submission to the public consultation below:

CAN Europe’s submission to the ACER Scenario Guideline Consultation